Miscellaneous - (40) products

Level Product Description Histamine Other Amines Liberator Blocker Oxalate Lectin Pesticide
Remnants Freeze immediately after cooking - - - - - - -
Cream of tartar - - - - - - - -
Baking powder - - - - - - - -
Toothpaste Only toothpaste without sassefras - - - - - - -
Cocoa butter White chocolate without additives - - - - - - -
Treats Homemade treats with permitted ingredients - - - - - - -
Fresh broth - - - - - - - -
marchpane Small amounts are well tolerated if without incompatible additives. - - - - - - -
chocolate, white Mostly well tolerated -
- - - - -
marzipan Small amounts are well tolerated if without incompatible additives. - - - - - - -
tofu - - - - - - - -
vitamin B9, folic acid, folate To be debated. Other name: pteroyl-L-glutamic acid (similar to glutamic acid / glutamate?) - -
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liquorice - - -
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folic acid, folate, vitamin B9 To be debated. Other name: pteroyl-L-glutamic acid (similar to glutamic acid / glutamate?) - -
- - - -
mustard Preparation (mixture) of mustard seeds, vinegar, etc.
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xantheose, theobromine - - - -
- - -
iodized table salt - - -
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theobromine - - - -
- - -
chocolate, brown / black Tyramine, phenylethylamine -
- - - - -
apple cider vinegar Is the lowest and tolerated by some on 1 teaspoon - - - - - - -
Gelatin - - - - - - - -
Carrageenan - - - - - - - -
Sodium benzoate - - - - - - - -
All other chocolate and cocoa - - - - - - - -
Miso - - - - - - - -
Marmite - - - - - - - -
Miso - - - - - - - -
Lecithin - - - - - - - -
Remnants Which are not frozen immediately after cooking - - - - - - -
Vinegar, Including white, champagne and balsamic; - - - - - - -
Potassium sorbate - - - - - - - -
Broth cubes, not fresh - - - - - - - -
Most commercial salad dressing - - - - - - - -
Prepared relishes and olives - - - - - - - -
Commercial ketchup - - - - - - - -
Collagen - - - - - - - -
iodine - - -
- - - -
Mincemeat - - - - - - - -
Soy sauce, coconut amino acids, liquid amino acids from Bragg - - - - - - - -
potassium iodate (e.g. as additive in iodized table salt) - - -
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